Rendeals Four Consulting

engineering inspirational change


Rendeals Four Consulting Code of Ethics formalizes the company’s ethical principles and core values and provides practical guidelines on “ethical” issues that are of particular importance to the Company.These principles will also assist the company to minimise the risk of fraud and corruption.

The main purpose is to provide measurable guidelines against which acceptable conduct and behaviour can be determined.


The successful operation and reputation of the Company is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical conduct of all our employees.

  • Management: to comply with this Code of Ethics and lead by example.
  • Staff: to comply with this Code of Ethics.
Policy statement
  • The company is committed to sound corporate governance and endorses the ethical principles that is, fairness, transparency, honesty, non-discrimination, accountability, responsibility as well as respect for human dignity, human rights and social justice.
  • The Protected Disclosure Act, Act No.26 of 2000 ensures that those individuals who speak up against apparent unethical or illegal behaviour will be protected.
  • Encouraging a culture within Rendeals Four Consulting where all employees, the public and other stakeholders continuously behave ethically in their dealings with, or on behalf of the company;
  • Improving accountability, efficiency and effective administration within the company
  • Improving the application of systems, policies, procedures and regulations;
  • Ensuring effective referral and follow-up procedures on fraud and corruption reports; and
  • Encouraging all employees and other stakeholders to strive toward the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption impacting or having the potential to impact on the company.
Organisational values

The company’s management and employees subscribe to the following values

  • Efficiency – We always deliver quality, high value services and projects on time
  • Entrepreneurship – We embrace innovation to create growth
  • Professionalism – We conduct our company beyond acceptable standards with integrity and courtesy
  • Responsiveness – We account for all work done and are proactive in delivering services to clients
  • Transparency – We are flexible and open in communicating with colleagues and clients

The company strives to earn the confidence of its Shareholder with the objective of providing a sound investment. Full and transparent information is provided to all its shareholders.


The company provides its clients’ with quality services guided by fair and ethical conduct.

  • Rendeals Four Consulting has confidence in the loyalty, motivation, professional competence and sense of responsibility of its employees. Thus, the company expects its employees to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and avoid all conflicts of interest.
  • The company pays particular attention to the working conditions, notably regarding respect of the individual, the absence of discrimination and protection of their health and safety.
  • The company associates its employees with its development, in particular by encouraging dissemination of information dialogue and consultation.
  • The company recruits its personnel solely on the basis of matching the qualities of individual candidates with company requirements.
  • The company ensures the development of its employee’s professional skills and careers without unfair discrimination based on arbitrary grounds including but not limited to race, gender, political opinion, religion etc. Career development is facilitated through appropriate training.
Service providers and suppliers

Rendeals Four Consulting is careful about respecting each party’s interests with clear, even-handed contract terms.The Company expects its service providers and suppliers to adhere to a code of conduct equivalent in content and spirit to its own.

Rules For Individual Behaviour

Health and Safety Protection

Every employee is responsible for ensuring that his / her involvement in the Company’s activities are carried out in full compliance with all applicable laws and legislations regarding self-health and safety as well as that of colleagues.

Professional Relationships

Every employee is expected to be loyal, to be attentive to the quality of his /her relations with his / her colleagues and to abstain from any act of discrimination. Every employee should seek to promote teamwork.

Client, Service Provider and Supplier Relations

Every employee’s relations with client, service providers and supplier shall be both fair and honest and in compliance with contractual undertakings and applicable laws and regulations.

No kickbacks or bribes may be accepted or given. If offered to Rendeals Four Consulting employee, it must be reported immediately to the Human Resources department who will decide on appropriate action to be taken.

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

Each employee is required to take the necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of any information in the course of his / her employment. The obligation remains in effect beyond the termination of employment within the company.

Conflict of Interest

Each employee may be faced with a situation in which his/her own personal interest or that of persons or entities with which he / she is close or has a link,conflicts with that of the company.

All employees will be required on signing letters of appointment and employment contract, or so soon thereafter, declare existing interests outside Rendeals Four Consulting;

  • Failure to do so is a dismissible offence.
  • No employee employed on a permanent / full time basis should engage in any professional activity outside RendealsFour Consulting without first obtaining written approval fromthe Chief Executive Officer.
Communication facilities

All employees shall comply with the Electronic Communication or e-mail policy of the company which forms an integral part of these policies and procedures.


Each employee’s right to privacy will be respected, and the monitoring of the usage of facilities will be conducted in accordance with the company’s policy and applicable legislation.


Each employee has the right to freedom from discrimination based on but not limited to any of the following:

Race, religion, pregnancy, HIV / AIDS status, marital status, sex, gender,sexual orientation, ethnic or social origin, disability, colour, conscience, belief, culture, and language.

Sexual Harassment

Each employee who experiences sexual harassment should report this to the Human Resources Manager. Sexual harassment is an unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. The unwelcome nature of sexual harassment distinguishes it from behaviour that is welcome and mutual.

Sexual attention becomes sexual harassment if:
  • The behaviour is persistent, although even a single incident of harassment can constitute sexual harassment, and / or
  • The recipient has made it clear that the behaviour is considered offensive,and / or.
  • The perpetrator should have known that the behaviour is regarded as unacceptable.
Balance between work and personal life

Each employee has the right to fulfill responsibilities and commitments other than those to the company.

Rendeals Four Consulting encourages employees to maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.


In the discharge of their duties, employees are expected to honour their contracts of employment and to behave in a socially and legally acceptable manner.

Misconduct will be subject to fair and proper disciplinary procedures, consistent with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act and/or any other company procedures or agreements which are applicable.


Any employee who feels aggrieved about interpersonal relationships in their work situation or the terms and conditions of employment, has the right to bring to management’s attention such grievances, and to receive an answer without fear of victimisation and/or prejudice.

Grievances will be properly handled in terms of the company’s Grievance Procedure and will be consistent with sound employee relations practice and the legal rights of the parties concerned.


Management of Rendeals Four Consulting believes adherence to the above principles does not on its own eliminate the risk of fraud and corruption or unethical behaviour, but creates grounds to minimise and detect factors that lead to fraud and corruption.

The company is in the process of implementing Quality Management System (ISO 9000) in order to stream line all processes and ensure improvement on efficiency and accountability of all stakeholders.