Rendeals Four Consulting

engineering inspirational change

Corporate Social Investment


To build a company a corporate culture that recognizes the need for sustainable and mutual coexistence with communities we serve.


To continuous identify communities and intervene to assist individuals, families and organizations that may benefit form interventions, primarily with the geographic markets where we operate.

The core focus programmes are identified as:
  • Housing for needy families – the aim is to identify destitute families in project areas where we operate and build houses for them within the limits of budget provisions
  • Sports Development – support is targeted to athletics and related sports clubs and sport development organisations
  • Support to progressive social organisations – aimed at organisations that promote build social cohesion and development, address of social ills and the needs of the disabled
Planning, Management and Operations

Management shall seek to develop plans on annual basis that are aligned to the company’s operational and budget plans. The CSI programme shall be run from the CEO’s office with support of Executives and Office Managers. The latter will initiate and coordinate the process of identifying potential beneficiaries and assume the lead role in liaison with the relevant authorities and stakeholders. It is recognized that there maybe a need, as the programmes develops and grows in magnitude, to establish a dedicated foundation to manage its activities.

Budgeting and Financial Management

The programme shall be budgeted for as integral part of the annual budget and controls shall be put in place to ensure that it is not exceeded.